Test of Paxster eCompact Air: The most fun vehicle of the year?

elbilforeningen testet eCompact Air

The Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association had the opportunity to test the eCompact Air for an entire day, assessing its features and functionalities to determine the utility of this vehicle and its optimal conditions for use. Special attention was given to its performance in challenging terrains, a scenario not primarily intended for the Paxster. It was […]

Review of the Paxster eCompact Air

review of Paxster eCompact Air

Written by journalist Odd Arne Ruud – Published July 17th 2024 In Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad and Fredrikstad Blad. Paxster buys back the postal vehicles and rebuilds them into something resembling a UTV or ATV. The four-wheeler has an electric range of up to 69 miles. The Paxster eCompact Air is being manufactured in Sarpsborg, Norway and […]

Paxster is a Norwegian manufacturer of Utility and Last-mile delivery vehicles for all-season proffesional use. Preferred supplier to Norwegian Post for more than 12 years. 

Paxster is a Norwegian manufacturer of electric multi-utility vehicles for all-season proffesional work and mobility. Preferred supplier to Norwegian Post for more than 10 years. 



Lease en elektrisk arbeidsmaskin fra Paxster Utility. Startleie i eksempelet er 32 700 kr ekskl. MVA. Leieperioden strekker seg over 5 år og ubegrenset kilometer. Flytende nominell rente på 9,15% og et etableringsgebyr på 4 790 kr påløper. Månedsbeløpet for leien er 1 494 kr, inkludert et termingebyr på 95 kr. Totalprisen for hele leieperioden vil være 127 119 kr.